Category: Car Accidents

Correct Installation of Car Seats Could Dramatically Reduce the Leading Cause of Childhood Death

Posted On January 24, 2018 In Car Accidents

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, nearly two children are killed each day in a car accident. While some of these deaths can’t be prevented, an outstanding number of them can. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the proper use of a car seat can reduce the risk of death 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers.

How to Interpret Crash Test Results

Posted On January 16, 2018 In Car Accidents,General

Overall, today’s vehicles are safer than they have ever been. However, the crash test ratings for each vehicle varies on a wide spectrum. When choosing a vehicle, you want to feel comfortable that in the event of a car accident, your car will protect you.

How Do Vehicle Recalls Work and Why are They Important?

Posted On January 8, 2018 In Car Accidents

In the last year, you have most likely seen a story involving a vehicle recall. These occur when an automaker admits that one of their vehicles has a fundamental flaw and sets out to solve the issue. Although vehicle recalls are nothing new, the modern news cycle has put these recalls in the national spotlight as we’ve never seen before.

American Driving Deaths Highest Amongst Industrialized Countries

Posted On November 22, 2017 In Car Accidents

During the holiday season, millions of Americans will pile into their cars and drive to visit their families. While this is a cheerful time for many families in New York, many people don’t know that they will be embarking on a journey down the most dangerous roads in the industrialized world.…

What are the Long-Term Effects of Whiplash?

Posted On November 3, 2017 In Car Accidents

Whiplash is often a result of a car or truck accident and can vary from mild to severe depending on the circumstances of the accident. If a whiplash injury goes undiagnosed and untreated, the victim may suffer from serious pain and consequences down the road.…

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