Category: Car Accidents

Even Hands-Free Cell Phone Use While Driving Has Increased Risk for Car Accidents

Posted On December 14, 2011 In Car Accidents

Statistics and studies show us time and time again that distracted driving, like driving while texting or talking on the phone increases our risk for getting into a car accident. A 2009 study by the New York Times shows that about 11% of drivers are talking on their cell phones while driving, and a Harvard study indicates that cell phone distractions account for about 20% of all injuries and 16% of all road fatalities.…

Mayor Bloomberg Says No Crash Tax For New York City

Posted On April 8, 2011 In Car Accidents

After facing criticism from a number of lawmakers and organizations, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has abandoned a plan to charge car accident victims a “crash tax” if they get into a collision.…

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