Category: Car Accidents

What New York’s No-Fault Car Insurance Rules Mean for People in Minor Accidents

Posted On August 16, 2019 In Car Accidents

But car accidents can take a real emotional toll too. What about all the pain you’re forced to endure? The fear you feel about getting back in your car? The emotional distress of your life suddenly being “flipped upside down”?

New York recognizes these types of non-economic damages, which are generally referred to as pain and suffering.…

Can Passengers Claim Whiplash After an Accident?

Posted On July 30, 2019 In Car Accidents

Insurance companies are nothing if not good at PR. Through years of television ads and media campaigns, they’ve convinced the public that they are good neighbors, holding your hand and standing by your side when accidents happen. (Alas, when accidents actually do happen, they might start singing a different tune.)…

Car Accidents and Why You Need Insurance

Posted On July 10, 2019 In Car Accidents

New York requires every motorist to carry an active auto insurance policy at all times. If you get behind the wheel without car insurance in New York, you’re breaking the law.

So what happens if you get into a car accident without insurance?…

Ways to Prove a Driver Was Distracted or Texting When They Hit You

Posted On June 25, 2019 In Car Accidents

Distracted driving is on the rise. Here in the smartphone era, texting while driving has quickly gone from “what’s that?” fifteen years ago to one of the leading causes of death today. This is particularly true for teenagers, who are dying in record numbers because of distracted driving — an utterly preventable tragedy.…

Truck Accident Claims Aren’t the Same as Conventional Car Accident Claims 

Posted On June 25, 2019 In Car Accidents

Our law firm works with a number of truck accident victims and their families. Often, when they first walk into our office, they are under the impression that a truck accident claim proceeds much like any other auto accident claim. But that isn’t necessarily true.…

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