Bronx Wrongful Death Lawyer

Content Legally Reviewed by:
Lever & Ecker, PLLC

One of the most challenging events you may face in your life is losing a loved one. It can be especially devastating if their death was the result of the negligent, careless, or intentional actions of another individual. While there is no amount of compensation that can repay you for your loss, there are legal remedies you may take to recover compensation and bring closure.

A wrongful death may leave surviving family with financial losses, such as funeral and burial expenses, expenses from their loved one’s medical care, and other related expenses. However, this is nothing compared to the emotional suffering of losing a loved one unexpectedly. At Lever & Ecker, PLLC, we understand how painful it may be for surviving family members. With our combined 70-plus years of experience, we are here to recover the damages suffered from this traumatic event and begin the healing process.

Why Choose the Bronx Wrongful Death Lawyers at Lever & Ecker, PLLC?

At Lever & Ecker, PLLC, we represent grieving families to recover the compensation they deserve due to the negligent or reckless actions of another individual. We have over 65 years of combined experience, offering a hands-on approach and representing families during the legal process during this difficult time.

The process of establishing the liability of another may be challenging, and court proceedings are often overwhelming, especially when coping with the premature loss of a loved one.

We bolster your chances of recovery in a wrongful death claim in the following ways:

  • Analyzing documents for potential legal issues
  • Answering questions and providing legal counsel
  • Conducting a detailed investigation
  • Commencing the lawsuit
  • Discussing claims with insurance companies
  • Establishing liability and damages
  • Negotiating settlement offers
  • Reviewing and providing vital legal documents
  • Proceeding to trial if necessary

If you have experienced the premature loss of a family member in a wrongful death accident, you can trust the experienced Bronx wrongful death attorneys at Lever & Ecker, PLLC, to handle your case with the utmost sensitivity, diligence, and professionalism.

What Is a Bronx Wrongful Death Claim?

A wrongful death is the loss of a family member due to another party’s negligence, recklessness, or carelessness that could have been pursued as a personal injury lawsuit had the deceased person lived. These accidents are sometimes caused by unlawful actions or by another party’s violation of their legal duty of care.

To recover financial compensation for accident-related damages, New York law requires the personal representative of the deceased’s estate to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Unlike other states, New York does not permit family members to seek a wrongful death claim unless they are also the personal representative.

In a successful wrongful death claim, the personal representative will hold the recovered compensation funds in trust for the family members or beneficiaries. Typically, unless the representative is one of the beneficiaries, they do not personally benefit from those funds.

Whether you are the personal representative of the deceased’s estate or you have concerns about how your family may be able to recover compensation, contact the Bronx wrongful death lawyers at Lever & Ecker, PLLC, for a complimentary case evaluation.

Who May Be Held Liable in a Bronx Wrongful Death Claim?

Wrongful death claims are filed against the party that was directly responsible for the accident. In some cases, the liable party will have an insurance policy that provides compensation for wrongful death, in which case the insurer will be responsible for paying the economic and non-economic losses associated with the event that caused death. Insurance companies may be an aggressive obstacle in the way of fair compensation, making it difficult for families to reach an acceptable resolution without hiring an experienced wrongful death lawyer.

Wrongful death claims may be brought against a variety of parties, entities, and governments, including the following:

  • A driver in a vehicle accident
  • Business owner
  • Construction site owner or contractor
  • Commercial truck company
  • Defective product manufacturer
  • Manufacturer, distributor, or installer of a faulty or dangerous part
  • Medical provider

There are many other parties that may have contributed to or caused your loved one’s wrongful death. At Lever & Ecker, PLLC, we conduct a detailed investigation into the incident and obtain valuable evidence to demonstrate liability.

Contact the Bronx Wrongful Death Attorneys at Lever & Ecker PLLC

The loss of a loved one can have lasting and significant implications for you and your family. The Bronx wrongful death lawyers at Lever & Ecker, PLLC, are prepared to fight for the compensation you deserve. With 65 years of combined experience obtaining justice for victims through successful settlements and judgments, we have the resources and knowledge to provide you with professional and compassionate legal representation.

Contact us today at (718) 933-3632 for a complimentary case consultation with an award-winning wrongful death lawyer, or fill out our contact form.